
]project-open[ in a Nutshell

  • ]po[ is a Web-based "Enterprise Project Management" software for project-based organizations with 2-200 users. ]po[ integrates areas such as CRM, sales, project planning, project tracking, collaboration, timesheet, invoicing and payments.
  • ]project-open[ is one of the largest open-source based web applications in the world with more than 1,000,000 lines of code.
  • More than 1000 companies in 25 countries use ]po[ to run their businesses.

What can I do with ]project-open[?

Project Scheduling

Project Planning & Tracking

  • Plan projects and resources via GanttProject.
  • Track project advance and resource consumption of both internal and external costs.
  • Executive status reporting using "traffic lights"

Project Profit & Loss

Project Controlling

  • Calculate profit & loss per project and customer
  • Set project budgets based on time or absolute cost
  • Extract detailed project reports to determine cost drivers.

A Sample Invoice

Project Invoicing

  • Supports fixed and effort based pricing
  • Supports partial and cumulative invoices
  • Supports multi-currency and exchange rates.

Project Management with ]po[

The is the first of a series of slideshows and presentations explaining how ]po[ supports your business processes. Watch it right here on the page or click the button on in lower left corner to see this show in full screen mode on SlideShare.com

Financial control of projects ]po[

This presentation demonstrates how you can use ]po[ to manage the projects financial aspects. The video is approx. 5min long and can be viewed in better quality on BLIP.TV.

Video thumbnail. Click to play

Souce : http://www.project-open.com


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