EOS Directory: Enterprise Reference for Open Source

Open source software projects don’t respond to RFPs. This sales expense is saved to reduce costs and focus energy on building solid code. Enterprises, however, need to efficiently determine which open source software best match they requirements. To better enable this matching, EOS provides an interactive Request for Advice (RFA). An RFA enables organizations to post their specific requirements and receive advice from knowledgeable peers and open source community members. This approach results in a more objective assessment that traditional RFP responses that are heavily biased by the vendor completing the response.

EOS started its life offline as the Open Source Catalog in November 2006. We were surprised by the demand (over 10,000 downloads to date) and the positive response from both enterprises and the open source community. The demand for updates, additions and conversations quickly became overwhelming and we built EOS to take the endeavor online and provide a greater opportunity for enterprises to connect with the open source community.

Below is the original letter announcing the Open Source Catalog from its champion, Bruno von Rotz

The benefits of open source are being understood more and more in enterprise IT. There is rarely an organization or an enterprise that doesn't use open source products and technologies today. IT managers who are asked about barriers and issues that would limit their use of open source typically mention support and license topics. However one of the most relevant problems they face is the lack of knowledge on open source solutions and their ability to fulfill enterprise needs. There are more than 140,000 open source projects in existence. It is not simple to keep an overview and to separate out the pearls.

The objective of Optaros' EOS Directory 2007 is to give IT decision makers navigation support by listing the most relevant, useful and enterprise-ready open source platforms, components, frameworks and solutions in an easy-to-read overview.
Optaros' EOS Directory 2007 lists some 260 "projects" in four software categories (operating systems and infrastructure, application development and infrastructure, infrastructure solutions and business applications). The selection and the rating system is based on the experience of Optaros' worldwide consulting and integration work force, substantial research and evaluations, as well as interaction with open source communities and companies. At the end of the day, the selection and evaluation will always be somewhat subjective, even when the analysis and the decisions were made as objectively as possible. However, we are convinced that it is the experience and the implementation knowledge of Optaros' consultants as well as the pragmatic approach in compiling the data that will make this catalogue a very useful tool when thinking about alternatives to existing technologies or starting a new implementation project and identifying suitable frameworks or solutions. The EOS Directory is not intended to replace detailed evaluation or proof of concepts, but provide some help to conduct a first selection.

Bruno von Rotz, Zurich, 25th November 2006



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