Cunity: Private social network

Why Cunity?

Cunity was programmed out of the need of having a social network of your own, which is not controlled by some big internet company. Nowadays, companies running social networks try to exploit your private data for money. With Cunity, you will always be in full control of your site's data as you can install your Cunity on your own webserver. Even if you rent a Cunity with us, you can always cancel your plan and move out with your entire set of data.

What does it offer?

Cunity comes with a full set of modules that are important on a social network:

· Pinboard

· Friends

· Gallery

· Forum

· File-sharing

· Chat

· Messaging

· Member list

· Administration panel

How does Cunity work?

Cunity can be either easily installed on your own webspace (without having great technical knowledge) or a Cunity can be rented from us (preinstalled on a webspace), over which you will have full control (down to changing its source code and database structure).

Can I connect more Cunities?

For the interaction with all other Cunities, your Cunity offers you 3 options (which you can change at any time in your software):

· You can have your Cunity as a stand-alone website that does not connect to the main server or any other Cunities. This may be the right setting for you, if you use it as a framework for your personal website or your business.

· You can let your Cunity connect to other Cunities to enlarge your network (peer-to-peer)

· Planned: You can connect your Cunity to the main server and thus join the entire international Cunity community. This is great as this may replace large social networks in the future and everyone is in control of his/her own data.

Is Cunity free software?

Cunity is open-source and the download and usage costs nothing. It is still copyrighted and is distributed under a license (the GNU Affero General Public License (AGPL)). Specifically, this means: you may use it for free, change it and redistribute always under AGPL, commercially or non-commercially.


· The copyright(s) must not be removed from the software (program parts, scripts, design, etc).

· You must preserve the license (GNU Affero General Public License), when you redistribute or share the software or parts of the software. You must NOT distribute the software or parts of the software under any other license.

· You must display a "Powered by CUNITY®" + the Logo + © 2011 Smart In Media GmbH & Co. KG, and the link to on your CUNITY-powered website.

· Also, under GNU Affero General Public License you must provide a link on your website to your CUNITY® source code. If you haven't changed the source code, you may provide a link to the CUNITY® main download site. If you made changes to the source code, you have to provide a link to an archive of your CUNITY® version, so your users may download it under Affero GNU Public License.

· Be aware that Cunity contains 3rd party-solutions that apply for the use within Cunity, but must not be redistributed as stand-alone applications (please see the Credits-section for this).

Can I change the source code or parts of Cunity and sell it?

You may change the source code for your purposes and even sell it, but Cunity contains 3rd party solutions that apply only for the use within Cunity (e. g. chat-module). Thus, if you single out parts of Cunity and use them for other projects or products, you may quickly run into legal trouble with our 3rd-party suppliers. If you only use parts from Cunity (not 3rd party), then you always have preserve everything under the Affero GNU Public License with the copyright notices and the additional terms and conditions. In case of doubt, please contact us.

Here is another great explanation on the web (not by us -> you're leaving the site!)

Read more about the license here.


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