Medical: entralized Health and Hospital Information System

Medical is a free, centralized Health and Hospital Information System that provides the following functionality :

- Electronic Medical Record (EMR)
- Hospital Information System (HIS)
- Health Information System

Electronic Medical Record : The doctor will be able to keep all his patient's clinical history, evaluations, prescriptions, billings, allergies, family history, socio-economic status, education level, ...

Hospital Information System (HIS) : Medical is a great tool to run a Hospital or Health institution. You can manage the resources of the institution: Human resources (employees), Invoicing, Sales Management, Purchase Management, Stock control, ...

Health Information System : The information encoded in Medical uses industry standards ( ICD-10 , HL7, SNOMED and ICD-10-PCS ). That information could either be exported to a National Health Ministry for analysis, or be used in realtime using the Data Warehousing / Business Intelligence functionality of OpenERP. We can have realtime graphics of many different indicators and their combinations ( etary groups, diseases, socio-economic levels, locations, education levels, ....)

Medical is focused in family and preventive medicine. The goal is to provide all the nations, their institutions and doctors a free health information system which facilitates health promotion campaigns and prevent diseases. Many developing countries face epidemics (HIV/AIDS, Malaria, Chagas, ...) that, in many cases can be linked to the socioeconomic status. In this sense, Medical is a valuable tool for social and health agents, who get the information about the habitants of a specific village / city. So, in the personal / family record we can find, among others :

  • Educational level
  • Housing Conditions (running water, gas, sewers, ...)
  • Members of the family
  • Addictions
  • Working conditions
  • Eating habits and nutritional level
  • Diseases
  • Immunization history
  • Genetic risks
  • Lab Tests and screening
  • Prescriptions and medication history

All this information is key for making the right decision in the promotion, prevention and treatment of the patient and family.

One key aspect of Medical that differentiates it from other system is the holistic way of dealing with the patient. We designed Medical so we can have all the factors that influence their health status. By this we firmly believe in the World Health Organization (WHO) definition of health : "Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity."

The team of the Medical project is a fast-growing community of medical doctors, nurses, computer scientists, hospitals and universities around the world, contributing to make the most versatile and universal open source EMR / HIS

Medical is distributed under the GNU Public License (GPL).

Get Started With Medical
To get start with Medical check the Wiki Contents

These pages will contain all the necessary information to get the system up and running. It's a community effort, so all registered users can, and are encouraged to, contribute to the documentation project.

Welcome to Medical!


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