
Showing posts from November, 2010

OpenStack: Open Source Cloud Computing

OpenStack: The 5-minute Overview What OpenStack is: OpenStack is a collection of open source technology products delivering a scalable, secure, standards-based cloud computing software solution. OpenStack is currently developing two interrelated technologies: OpenStack Compute and OpenStack Object Storage . OpenStack Compute is the internal fabric of the cloud creating and managing large groups of virtual private servers and OpenStack Object Storage is software for creating redundant, scalable object storage using clusters of commodity servers to store terabytes or even petabytes of data. Who's behind OpenStack: OpenStack is a global software community of technologists, developers, researchers and corporations sharing resources, technology, and ideas to create a massively scalable, secure open source cloud infrastructure software package. With this open technology, any organization can create and offer cloud computing services running on standard hardware. Who uses OpenStack: ...

Openfiler Open source Storage

Openfiler Openfiler converts an industry standard x86/64 architecture system into a full-fledged NAS/SAN appliance or IP storage gateway and provides storage administrators with a powerful tool to cope with burgeoning storage needs. Building upon the popularity of server virtualization technologies such as VMware, Virtual Iron, and Xen, Openfiler can also be deployed as a virtual machine instance. This deployment flexibility of Openfiler ensures that storage administrators are able to make the best use of system performance and storage capacity resources when allocating and managing networked storage in a multi-platform environment. Openfiler addresses all the key data storage concerns: Reliability - Openfiler supports both software and hardware RAID with monitoring and alert facilities; volume snapshot and recovery Availability - Openfiler supports active/passive high availability clustering, MPIO , and block level replication Performance - Linux 2.6 kernel supports the latest CPU...